Domain Industry Meetups is a group of South Florida domain investors and entrepreneurs that meet to discuss the business opportunities of and around domain names.

Who's welcome?

Everyone that is in the domain space or that can bring knowledge and value to others in the group.


There is no cost to join our meetings.
Everybody pays their own way for the food and drinks they consume.


Events are held somewhere in South Florida but sometimes we meet at conferences or other Non-South-Florida locations. If you want to join us, click on the JOIN US. Let us know if you are local to South Florida or are visiting.

MiamiDomainers is a group of South Florida domain investors and entrepreneurs that meet to discuss the business opportunities of and around domain names.


Our focus in the domain industry allows interested parties to engage in discussion around investment, tools used, monetization, best practices, lessons learned, general ideas, opportunities and other shared topics.

No Membership Fees!


We have discussions about domain investments, monetization, tools, blogs, news, best practices, lessons learned, general ideas, opportunities and other shared topics. You can present any of your domains or tools you offer within our group. However, most domain investors buy low and sell high. Be prepared to offer significant discounts to other domain investors. This is generally not the best venue to promote your domains.